Simple Buttercream Cupcakes


Well known chefs and bakers are always known for something special, something that stands out, something no one else has ever done before. However, before they can create wonders, they have to make the basics. No chef starts with a wedding cakes or croquembouche (a choux pastry tower) but with basic vanilla sponges and chocolate chip cookies. To prove this, I wanted to share my recipe for my first iced cupcakes (by this I mean independent baking as I'm sure I had lots of fun icing cupcakes with my mum when I was little!). I've never been someone particularly arty so when it came to baking I have always stuck with rather simple designs and focused more on flavour and overly presentation. However, I made these simple iced cupcakes for my mum's work a few years ago and I am told they went down a treat so wanted to share the recipe. Its super simple, yet delicious with a very effective design so I hope you love my first cupcake recipe and it is the perfect starting line to a whole host of bakes beyond your imagination!


Here is my recipe for Simple Buttercream Cupcakes:

Ingredients: (Makes 12)

  • 125g Butter, softened
  • 125g Caster Sugar
  • 125g Self-Rising Flour (the measurements are becoming a theme here!)
  • 2tsp Vanilla/Almond Extract
  • 2 Eggs
For the Buttercream:
  • 125g Icing Sugar
  • 250g Butter, softened
  • 1tsp Vanilla Extract
  • Sprinkles, to decorate (optional but recommended!)


  1. Preheat the oven to 180'c, gas mark 4
  2. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar
  3. Add the vanilla and egg then continue to mix
  4. Fold in the flour until just combined
  5. Spoon the mixture evenly into 12 cupcake cases and bake for 18 minutes or until they spring back
  6. To make the buttercream, whisk the sugar butter and vanilla together until thick and firm
  7. Spoon into a piping bag 
  8. When the cupcakes are cooled, pipe the buttercream using a 1M (flower ended) nozzle in a spiral shape
  9. Sprinkle your sprinkles on top
  10. Enjoy!!
    Comment below if you have made this bake or have any questions!
    Lottie X


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