Frozen Yoghurt


Something I have mentioned a few times is how much I love baking gadgets. I'd say I use my air fryer at least 3 times a week and my Dad is definitely reliant on our bread machine. However, my favourite gadgets are the ones we use less frequently such as our ice cream maker. I adore ice cream (my brother doesn't because "its too cold!") but I find that a tub of caramel pretzel Halo Top or Ben and Jerry's vegan cookie dough is perfect and don't see the need to make my own. Anyhow, I am still yet to find a decent shop-bought frozen yoghurt. Frozen yoghurt is one of my favourite desserts primarily because of the memories I associate with it. As I mentioned in EatTeen by Lottie: Flourless Marshmallow Cookies I have spent most Passovers in Israel and one of my favourite desserts to have whilst there is frozen yoghurt from a small corner shop called Tamarim (translating to dates in English). My brother and I LOVED going up to the counter and choosing all our toppings- normally being full before we even got to the yoghurt part! I wanted to recreate their frozen yoghurt recipe, which I knew wouldn't be that difficult however wanted to make it dairy free so I could also enjoy it (the recipe can also be made easily with normal dairy yoghurt). The recipe was a success and super easy with the ice cream machine- although I didn't add hot dulce de leche sauce, as I used to have on my yoghurt in Tamarim, my fro-yo recipe is a delight. I hope you love this recipe as much as I do!

Here is my recipe for Frozen Yoghurt:

Ingredients: (Serves 4-6)

  • 490g Plain Unsweetened Greek Yoghurt (I used Alpro as it is dairy free but have also made it with greek yoghurt and my family said it is as delicious!)
  • 75g Golden Syrup/Honey
  • 1tbs Vanilla/Almond Extract
  • lots of Yummy Toppings (I recommend Sprinkles, Shaved Chocolate, Berries & anything you think will taste delicious!)
  1. Freeze the ice cream machine container for 12 hours (or whatever your machine says on the box)
  2. In a large Jug (you can use a bowl but the jug makes pouring it into the machine easier), whisk the 3 ingredients until fully combined
  3. Turn the ice cream machine on first then pour the mixture slowly into the machine and let it churn for half an hour
  4. When the mixture has thickened enough so that it becomes harder to churn, pour into a freezer-safe container and leave for at least 6 hours
  5. Serve with using an ice cream scoop- you may need to leave the fro-yo to softened for 5-10 minutes before serving
  6. Enjoy!!
Comment below if you have made this bake or have any questions!
Lottie X

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